I was a very powerful pharaoh that achieved a lot. In the beginning of my rule Thutmose was too young to become pharaoh so I took the position to rule over the great civilization Ancient Egypt. I built many different monuments as I ruled like the Karnak Temple and the Deir el-Bahri which all were built for religious purposes. I also was the first to record the expedition to Punt which came back to Egypt successful with many exotic goods. The memory of me was tried to be forgotten, but that didn't happen because of my remarkable achievements. One reason though I think I am really remembered and important to history is that I was the first female pharaoh to rule over Egypt, which proved females were as powerful as males and could make good pharaohs, and encouraged females to take role and know that they had power.

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    I am Hatshepsut great and powerful leader of ancient Egypt. I achieved being the first female pharaoh, which I am pretty proud of! I love to build monuments for my kingdom and trading with a land called Punt. I just wanted to write this blog to show you how life was for me back in ancient times. Please read my blog!


    March 2013
    February 2013

