Hello readers! I am Hatshepsut first female pharaoh of ancient Egypt. I ruled over Egypt from 1479-1458bc during the 18th dynasty. I was the first female pharaoh (as you should know) out of six other female pharaohs. You may think "How did she even become pharaoh?" Well I will explain all of it in this blog about my life way back and back and back before you, your parents, your grandparents, or even your great great great great grandparents were born!! Read on my friends! My life was pretty interesting!

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    I am Hatshepsut great and powerful leader of ancient Egypt. I achieved being the first female pharaoh, which I am pretty proud of! I love to build monuments for my kingdom and trading with a land called Punt. I just wanted to write this blog to show you how life was for me back in ancient times. Please read my blog!


    March 2013
    February 2013

