I was a very powerful pharaoh that achieved a lot. In the beginning of my rule Thutmose was too young to become pharaoh so I took the position to rule over the great civilization Ancient Egypt. I built many different monuments as I ruled like the Karnak Temple and the Deir el-Bahri which all were built for religious purposes. I also was the first to record the expedition to Punt which came back to Egypt successful with many exotic goods. The memory of me was tried to be forgotten, but that didn't happen because of my remarkable achievements. One reason though I think I am really remembered and important to history is that I was the first female pharaoh to rule over Egypt, which proved females were as powerful as males and could make good pharaohs, and encouraged females to take role and know that they had power.
When I was ruling I did not make friends with Thutmose the third my stepson who was supposed to become pharaoh, but was to young. He grew older and wanted to be pharaoh but couldn’t since I had already taken the place of pharaoh. That made him angry with me for taking his rightful spot on the throne. Once I sadly died Thutmose destroyed everything I dedicated hard work on like the Kanark temple, and the Deir el-Bahri (that is why it was never finished). Thutmose also took out my name from the book of pharaohs and replaced it with a fake pharaoh named Amensis. He literally tried to erase my memory from Egypt. One reason I think he did that though was he didn't want females becoming pharaoh again, and thinking they had power over males. He tried to hide my existence, but that didn't work since you all now know about me today.
A bust of Thutmose the Third
I accomplished something not many had ever accomplished,I, Hatshepsut traded with the land of Punt in 1482BC. Punt isn't a country any of you know of since it isn't a country anymore. It is located somewhere between what is now Somalia or Eritrea. When Egypt traded with Punt we traded for exotic goods we did not have for example aromatic gums and herbs, valued woods, live apes, and most importantly the Myrth tree. We got these goods by trading weapons, jewelry, and leopard skins. My expedition was the first to be recorded, but not the first to ever be sent. I thought the trip to Punt was the first when I was ruling, but I was wrong.Trading with Punt was a big deal to me since I accomplished something so great even though I was a female, I proved to everyone I could do anything a male pharaoh could do.
    Another grand monument I built was the Karnak Temple. It was built as a religious temple. The Kanark temple was built mostly out of granite blocks taken from Aswan. I also had imported from Aswan 185ft red granite cylinders. The cylinders were covered in gold and weighed 450 tons each. These cylinders where taken back to my home, Egypt on the Nile river. To get the cylinders back to home for the Kanark temple it required 27 ships and 850 oarsmen. It was  pretty hard to do since when I ruled the technology was your hands. I proved to many that day that women were just as good as being pharaohs as guys, but this just annoyed Thutmose the third greatly.

A picture on one of the obelisks of Hatshepsut commanding a servant
    When I ruled over Egypt I built many monuments. My best work was probably the Deir el-Bahri. The Deir el-Bahri was built as a religious shrine to me to make sure I had a wonderful and luxurious afterlife. The Deir el-Bahri was also dedicated to the god Amun for thanking him for helping me become pharaoh. I built the Deir el-Bahri just one mile away from my tomb. My great creation had three levels complete with detailed pictures, and the story of my divine birth, and giant pictures of me and the gods. Sadly though this great shrine to my afterlife and the gods was never finished because I died before the rest could be built, but I did build another great monument everyone would remember the Karnak Temple.
Remains of Deir el-Bahri
    You probably think I just jumped straight into being pharaoh, but that did not happen. I first served as a regent (kind of like a guardian) for Thutmose the third. I wasn't very satisfied with not having much power, and I did not think Thutmose should have had so much power at such a young age, so I crowned myself pharaoh. I had the help of becoming pharaoh by having the god Amun and the priests full support. When I became pharaoh many were not pleased with having a female rule over them, so I tried to portray a male pharaoh by dressing up like them. I would wear the traditional fake beard, wear the same garments as the male pharaohs, and I would have myself painted looking like a male. I also had to try hard to show everyone who was in charge because many would not listen to a female, so I showed Egypt what I was capable of by building the Deir el-Bahri one of the greatest monuments Egypt had ever seen.
    I was born into royalty by my mother Ahmose and Thutmose the grand pharaoh of Egypt. Once I was around 12 years of age which was in 1498BC I married my half-brother Thutmose the second. Sadly though my husband passed after we were married from eight years. His death was very sudden. Many thought I poisoned my poor husband, but he actually passed from a disease called Small Pox. It was a tragedy that my husband died since he was pharaoh, and someone else would have to take his place which would have been Thutmose the third. I thought he was to young to take such a big responsibility. This put me in a position to pick who the role of pharaoh went to. Would it be me or the young Thutmose? It took a lot of thought on my part, but I came to a decision that I would become pharaoh.
Hello readers! I am Hatshepsut first female pharaoh of ancient Egypt. I ruled over Egypt from 1479-1458bc during the 18th dynasty. I was the first female pharaoh (as you should know) out of six other female pharaohs. You may think "How did she even become pharaoh?" Well I will explain all of it in this blog about my life way back and back and back before you, your parents, your grandparents, or even your great great great great grandparents were born!! Read on my friends! My life was pretty interesting!


    I am Hatshepsut great and powerful leader of ancient Egypt. I achieved being the first female pharaoh, which I am pretty proud of! I love to build monuments for my kingdom and trading with a land called Punt. I just wanted to write this blog to show you how life was for me back in ancient times. Please read my blog!


    March 2013
    February 2013

